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Content Assist Blogs - ADVISOR CONTROLLED

Your manual option for customized blogs and chosen articles from content assist. You update this one!
Benefits include having the easy SHARE icons automatically on every post, driving traffic back to your website, and having each article exist on a page that is on your website with your navigation bar

The Pros & Cons of a Do-It-Yourself Will Thumbnail

The Pros & Cons of a Do-It-Yourself Will

We all know we need a will so that our affairs will be in order and our last wishes carried out once we have passed on. But did you know you have options when it comes to creating a will?

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The Economic Impact of Pandemics Thumbnail

The Economic Impact of Pandemics

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it's important to remember the impact past pandemics have had on our country. We're discussing the direct impact pandemics have on the economy, and what we may want to prepare for now.

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The Economic Impact of Pandemics Thumbnail

The Economic Impact of Pandemics

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it's important to remember the impact past pandemics have had on our country. We're discussing the direct impact pandemics have on the economy, and what we may want to prepare for now.

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